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Text Styles

Text Color

Default color: This is sample text in default color

Primary color: This is sample text in primary color

Secondary color: This is sample text in secondary color

Dark color: This is sample text in dark color

Light color: This is sample text in light color

Black color: This is sample text in black color

Info color: This is sample text in info color

Success color: This is sample text in success color

Warning color: This is sample text in warning color

Danger color: This is sample text in danger color

Inline Colored Text

This is an example of inline primary color text.

This is an example of inline secondary color text.

This is an example of inline dark color text.

This is an example of inline light color text.

This is an example of inline black color text.

This is an example of inline info color text.

This is an example of inline success color text.

This is an example of inline warning color text.

This is an example of inline danger color text.

Highlighted Text

This is an example of underline highlighted text.

This is an example of highlighted text using mark tag.

This is an example of highlighted info text.

This is an example of highlighted success text.

This is an example of highlighted warning text.

This is an example of highlighted danger text.

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Mon-Sat 9:00 - 5:00
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